
American industry in international competition : government policies and corporate strategies / edited by John Zysman and Laura Tyson
(Cornell studies in political economy / edited by Peter J. Katzenstein)

出版情報 Ithaca : Cornell University Press , 1983
大きさ 436 p. : ill. ; 25 cm
本文言語 英語
書誌ID TB20313567


内容注記 American industry in international competition / Laura Tyson and John Zysman
The politics of competitive erosion in the U.S. steel industry / Michael Borrus
Decline in an expanding industry : Japanese competition in color television / James E. Millstein
Trade and development in the semiconductor industry : Japanese challenge and American response / Michael Borrus, James E. Millstein, and John Zysman
The politics of protection in the U.S. textile and apparel industries / Vinod K. Aggarwal, with Stephan Haggard
Adjustment in the footwear industry : the consequences of orderly marketing agreements / David B. Yoffie
Beyond the age of Ford : the strategic basis of the Japanese success in automobiles / David Friedman
Italian small business development : lessons for U.S. industrial policy / Michael Piore and Charles Sabel
Conclusions : what to do now? / Laura Tyson and John Zysman
一般注記 Includes bibliographical references and index
著者標目  Zysman, John
 Tyson, Laura D'Andrea, 1947-
件 名 LCSH:United States -- Industries -- Case studies  全ての件名で検索
LCSH:United States -- Commerce -- Case studies  全ての件名で検索
LCSH:Industrial promotion -- United States -- Case studies  全ての件名で検索
LCSH:Competition -- Case studies  全ての件名で検索
分 類 LCC:HC106.8
ISBN 0801415772


書庫1C 洋書7・8版 (420-999) 

678/Z9a/1 005709786
