

Colorimetric methods of analysis, including some turbidimetric and nephelometric methods / by Foster Dee Snell and Cornelia T. Snell

3rd ed
出版情報 New York : D. Van Nostrand , 1948-
大きさ v. : ill. ; 24 cm
本文言語 英語
書誌ID TB20525919


内容注記 v. 1. Theory, instruments, pH
v. 2. Inorganic
v. 3-4. Organic
Supplementary vols.: 4A, 4AA, 4AAA
一般注記 Supplementary vols. by Foster D. Snell and Cornelia T. Snell assisted by Chester Arthur Snell, have subtitle: Including photometric methods
First ed. published in 1921 under title: Colorimetric analysis
Each volume has bibliographic footnotes and indexes
著者標目  *Snell, Foster Dee, 1898-
 Snell, Cornelia T. (Cornelia Tyler), 1896- joint author
件 名 LCSH:Colorimetric analysis
分 類 LCC:QD113


書庫1C 洋書 教6版 (420-999) 
v. 1 433//S1-1-1 007791641

書庫1C 洋書 教6版 (420-999) 
v. 2 433//S1-1-2 007791653

書庫1C 洋書 教6版 (420-999) 
v. 3 433//S1-1-3 007791665

書庫1C 洋書 教6版 (420-999) 
v. 3 433//S1-1-3.2 007791677
