
Knowledge and society : studies in the sociology of culture past and present : a research annual / editors, Robert Alun Jones, Henrika Kuklick

出版情報 Greenwich, Conn. : JAI Press , 1981-
大きさ v. ; 24 cm
本文言語 英語
書誌ID TB20085852


別書名 異なりアクセスタイトル:The anthropology of science and technology
一般注記 v 5-6: editors, Henrika Kuklich, Elizabeth Long
v. 8: editors, Lowell Hargens, Robert Alun Jones, Andrew Pickering
Volumes 1 and 2 published as: Research in sociology of knowledge, sciences and art
Subtitle of v. 4: current perspectives on the history of the social sciences(=> <BA04251684>)
Subtitle of v. 9: the anthropology of science and technology
Subitle of v. 10: research in science and technology studies : material culture
Subitle of v. 11: research in science and technology studies : knowledge sysems
Series editors: v. 9. Arie Rip. volume editors, David J. Hess, Linda L. Layne -- v. 10-11. Shirley Gorenstein
著者標目  Jones, Robert Alun
 Kuklick, Henrika
 Long, Elizabeth, 1944-
 Hargens, Lowell
 Pickering, Andrew, 1948-
 Rip, Arie
 Hess, David J.
 Layne, Linda L.
 Gorenstein, Shirley
分 類 NDC7:361.5
ISBN 089232161X


書庫1AB 洋書7・8版 (000-419) 
v. 3 361/Kn5k/3 002252045

書庫1AB 洋書7・8版 (000-419) 
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書庫1AB 洋書7・8版 (000-419) 
v. 6 361/Kn5k/6 002252072

書庫1AB 洋書7・8版 (000-419) 
v. 8 361/Kn5k 002461075

書庫1AB 洋書7・8版 (000-419) 
v. 11 361/Kn5k/11 198108797

